We’re back on the East Coast visiting family for a few weeks and, I will say, the humidity here has me feeling (and looking) more pregnant than ever. We have our share of hot days in Bend but apparently I’ve been spoiled with the dry climate and cool nights there.
With summer heat at it’s peak I pretty much have an ice-cold drink within reach 24/7. If I don’t have my Hydroflask or a cold can of La Croix in hand, I’m likely sipping on this slightly sweet, watermelon mint agua fresca.
This fancy-sounding watermelon juice has quickly become my go-to mocktail of choice because it’s incredibly refreshing and so simple I can actually make it while chasing Noah around the kitchen island. Just throw ice, watermelon and lime juice into a blender and hit go.
It also has zero added sugar and magically makes swollen sausage toes disappear.
Ok, that last one’s a lie but it can quench even the craziest pregnancy thirst. The hubs can attest it’s also perfect for rehydrating and refueling after a sweaty, summer workout and makes a great summertime treat for the kiddos, either as juice or popsicles.
Needless to say — between myself, the hubs and Noah — finishing a whole watermelon isn’t a problem around our house these days.